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Monday, 20 October 2014

Another story complete for Absurdly Disturbing Tales... a little erotic number called..

.. The Black Tabard was completed this week.  

My first and certainly not my last erotic story.  The tale is of a man who works as a cleaner, who falls for another cleaner who wears a black tabard.  I am not going to give much else away.

Meanwhile, I have been working with one of many men I would love to wreck, Karl Kiddie, on a film of his.  He has even cast me in the film too.  The film is called The Visitor and is set to be made available via YouTube on Halloween night.

'Simply' Gary stirs.  I have finished stirring him.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Someone wants to translate one of my books into Chinese

I have been approached by a man who would like to work with me and translate one of my books into Chinese.
I like Chinese humans.  I like most humans really.

I will be talking more with these people about the translation of my book.  If it all works well I will perhaps look into more translation work.  Let's wait and see and see and wait and see the weight of the price that needs to be paid.

If the weight of pay is light and not to far out to sea and the wait for this weight is not too far then I will take it further and farther.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


The first tale is done.  It's dark and strange; heavily influenced by Tales From the Crypt.  

I have been unwell.  This is something that doesn't usually happen.

Soon I will cast out an invite to the world to be part of the new book.  I like getting others involved.  It makes me feel like Santa.